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Our rising sign is one of the major determinants of who we are to the outside world. It represents the “outer” you in terms of your personality, appearance, and individuality.
Overall, to calculate the rising sign, one must take into account key measurements during your birth. However, you will need a Rising Sign Calculator to accurately calculate your sign. Hence, I have made this easier for you through my rising calculator. You will also find a rising sign table below that gives you a secondary method of finding your rising without a calculator.
What Does Rising Sign Mean?
Your Rising Sign, also known as the Ascendant Sign, is the sign that ascends on the eastern horizon at the time and place of your birth. In terms of the zodiac signs, it represents your outer consciousness and facades of personality that are the most prominent to others.
It also plays the role of a social mask and influences the impressions you make on others. It also represents your instincts, and how you react to certain situations in your life. Your rising sign is one of the following zodiac signs in order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
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How To Know What Your Rising Sign Is?
Now that you know what is a rising sign, you might get curious and want to find your rising sign. There are two methods to rising sign calculation: you can either use a rising calculator or consult an astrologer. Further, there are various methods to calculate rising signs depending on the availability of information. Let’s go through each method one by one.
Calculate Rising Sign: Rising Sign Calculator
If you are wondering how to figure out someone’s rising sign, this is the first method of reference. For this method, you will need the following pieces of information:
- Birth Date, Month, and Year.
- The exact time of birth, including the hour and minute in AM or PM. If you are unable to find the exact time and do not have access to your birth certificate, you can write an estimated time with not more than 1.5 or 2-hour deviation.
- The place of birth. This is typically your birth city, country, and local time zone. You can use a time zone converter if you have shifted from your place of birth. Online calculators give you the option of time zones, or they automatically convert them for you.
Once you have obtained all these key bits of information, you can enter them into the rising sign and moon sign calculators. These moon and rising sign calculators are free and can be used at any time of the day.
Calculating Rising Sign: Through Sun Sign
Another extremely quick method to employ if you are wondering how to calculate your rising sign is to read through rising charts that display all signs which coincide with your Sun Sign. For this method, you will need the following bits and pieces of information:
- Time of your birth. For this method, you only need the hour of birth with an average of a 2-hour deviation from the estimated time of birth.
- Rising Sign Chart. You can find these on various websites, such as Ask The Astrologers.
Once you find the rising sign table that you like best, read through the rising signs that match your star sign. Then, look at the top heading and select the column that shows the hour of your birth. Find the rising sign that matches both of these factors and you will find your ascendant sign in the small boxes in the chart.
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Consulting Astrologers
The third alternative method starts with booking an appointment with a professional astrologer. Compile all the bits of information mentioned in the two calculation methods above prior to your visit. Then, ask the astrologer to make a natal chart for you. This chart will contain your rising sign, moon sign, sun sign, and interpretations of their impact on your life. You can also get a natal chart made online. These steps might cost you some dollars, but they will give you access to valuable pieces of information about yourself.
Quick Tips
- If you cannot find your time of birth, you can either enter a standard hour into the calculator, such as 12 PM. You can also just roughly estimate the time of birth or dig deeper and connect with someone that knows.
- Our rising sign calculator is an accurate tool that is verified through intense comparison with natal charts created by local astrologers and ones on the internet. Hence, it is recommended that you rely on our tool to give you the most legitimate parts of information regarding your rising sign.
- Once you find your rising sign, you can punch that information into rising sign compatibility calculators and figure out which zodiac signs pair well together. This can be in terms of friendships, non-platonic relationships, family relations, and other connections you build in your professional and personal life.
To Learn more about:
Now that you have finally calculated your ascendant sign, you have a world of information at your disposal. So go out and explore who you truly are!